Monday, April 24, 2023

The AI Takeover


The AI Takeover

AI has been on a constant rise for the past decade as it can do jobs that would take multiple individuals hours in just minutes. Frontline PBS shared a documentary on AI and I was able to learn so much about it. 
AI has opened up so many opportunities for our society, however, it has taken so many as well. As described in the documentary, our society is a scale of capital and labor, and AI aids the capital side of the scale. It will cause the rich to only be richer as AI will save them money from salary pay because of how it takes jobs from lower-income individuals. From factories to more, so many jobs are being lost to AI technology as we grow our advances in it. 

Not only is Ai taking away our jobs, but it's also taking away our privacy as well. Companies like Facebook and Google keep hold of our data and can analyze each of us individually with the power of AI. I learned about surveillance capitalism, which is when our private human experience can be sold and purchased as AI can keep track of all of it. Guessing what we will do or search by using our data on what we have done before. However, it isn't all bad as AI allows us to have to world at our fingertips. We have opportunities that weren't available a decade ago and we should use that to our advantage. 
It's terrifying to think that Facebook and Google can use our data to predict and gain so much knowledge about the millions of users. From women's menstrual cycles to important days in your life, they know it all. I also got to learn about their experiments, for example, they people the "I voted" badge on Facebook to encourage voting and also would change the feed of an individual to see how it would affect their emotions. It is insane to see how technology has such a hold on our society today. One of the biggest issues is how our data can be sold to anyone who is rich enough to buy it. This danger to our identity and online security is growing every day as we make technology and AI have more and more control in our everyday life. 

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