Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Mainstream News


Main Stream News, What is it Hiding?

News is everywhere: the radio, television, your phone, and your laptop. However, is the news we see and hear about accurate, and why do we not hear about other important information worldwide? I took a look at two different sites, Antiwar, and The American Conservative. Both of these sites are strong antiwar voices. Personally, I have never heard antiwar voices or opinions in mainstream news, and I wondered why this is. These aren't the only voices that the mainstream isn't sharing, think about all other opinions, popular or not, that are silenced and not talked about. 

Antiwar Voices

After taking a look at the two websites I mentioned before, I realized I never heard, seen, or acknowledged antiwar voices. Whether it was websites like these, on the news, or through social media. These websites exposed some of the violent issues that were going on in not only America but the whole world. From NATO running out of ammo to America shooting down UFOs, I learned so much new and important information that I haven't seen on the mainstream news. All of the information I was seeing made me wonder why our news channels aren't covering this, why haven't I heard about these important issues before now? I pondered on this question, but I knew the real reason all along.

The News and The Government

The government has the mainstream news channel in a chokehold. Making their silence and sharing what the government feels will make them look better to the people.  A prime example of this is Twitter. The government working with Twitter to ban certain people's accounts and push other tweets out more shows how the news and the government could be doing the exact same thing. Trying to hide their violent, bad, and just plain-out dumb decisions by silencing those who expose them isn't anything new for our government. Anti-war voices have been silenced for decades now, so this is nothing new. Having to dig deep and look for these sites and platforms that will share this opinion with you is becoming more difficult, as we fall victim to listening to mainstream news and not even considering other forms. But, I have now learned that I need to be wary of trusting mainstream news sources and do my own research on what our governments and others governments around the world are doing. 

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